
这是一些最”有趣”的 uWSGI 特性使用的合集。

X-Sendfile emulation

甚至你的前端代理/web 服务器不支持 X-Sendfile (或者不能访问到你的静态资源)你可以使用 uWSGI 内部的 offloading(你的进程/线程把服务静态文件的实际工作交给 offload 线程) 来模拟它。

; load router_static plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_static
; spawn 2 offload threads
offload-threads = 2
; files under /private can be safely served
static-safe = /private
; collect the X-Sendfile response header as X_SENDFILE var
collect-header = X-Sendfile X_SENDFILE
; if X_SENDFILE is not empty, pass its value to the "static" routing action (it will automatically use offloading if available)
response-route-if-not = empty:${X_SENDFILE} static:${X_SENDFILE}


这会强制在你的整个网站上使用 HTTPS。

; load router_redirect plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_redirect
route-if-not = equal:${HTTPS};on redirect-permanent:https://${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}

只是对 /admin 强制 https:

; load router_redirect plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_redirect
route = ^/admin goto:https
; stop the chain
route-run = last:

route-label = https
route-if-not = equal:${HTTPS};on redirect-permanent:https://${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}

最后你可能还想要发送 HSTS(HTTP Strict Transport Security) http 头。

; load router_redirect plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_redirect
route-if-not = equal:${HTTPS};on redirect-permanent:https://${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}
route-if = equal:${HTTPS};on addheader:Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000

Python 自动重新加载(Python auto-reloading)(仅限于在开发中使用!)

在生产环境中你可以检测文件/目录的改动,然后自动重新加载(touch-reload, fs-reload...)。

在开发的时候有一个检测所有加载的/使用的 python 模块改动会非常方便。但是请仅仅在开发过程 中使用它。


py-autoreload = 2

这将会以每隔两秒的频率检测 python 模块的改动,然后有改动的话就重新启动实例。




Full-Stack CGI setup

This example spawned from a uWSGI mainling-list thread. 这个例子产生自一个 uWSGI 邮件列表。

我的静态文件在 /var/www 目录下,cgi 在 /var/cgi 下,Cgi 通过 /cgi-bin 路径可以访问到。 所以 /var/cig/foo.lua 会在访问 /cgi-bin/foo.lua 时运行。

workdir = /var
ipaddress =

; start an http router on port 8080
http = %(ipaddress):8080
; enable the stats server on port 9191
stats =
; spawn 2 threads in 4 processes (concurrency level: 8)
processes = 4
threads = 2
; drop privileges
uid = nobody
gid = nogroup

; serve static files in /var/www
static-index = index.html
static-index = index.htm
check-static = %(workdir)/www

; skip serving static files ending with .lua
static-skip-ext = .lua

; route requests to the CGI plugin
http-modifier1 = 9
; map /cgi-bin requests to /var/cgi
cgi = /cgi-bin=%(workdir)/cgi
; only .lua script can be executed
cgi-allowed-ext = .lua
; .lua files are executed with the 'lua' command (it avoids the need of giving execute permission to files)
cgi-helper = .lua=lua
; search for index.lua if a directory is requested
cgi-index = index.lua

在不同的 url 路径下使用多个 flask 应用

让我们写三个 flask 应用:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World! i am app1"
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World! i am app2"
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World! i am app3"

每个会被相应地挂载到 /app1, /app2, /app3

在 uWSGI 中要把一个应用挂载到一个特定的”key”,需要使用 –mount 选项:

` --mount <mountpoint>=<app> `

在我们的例子中我们想要挂载三个 python 应用,每一个以相应的 WSGI 脚本名字作为 key:

plugin = python
mount = /app1=app1.py
mount = /app2=app2.py
mount = /app3=app3.py
; generally flask apps expose the 'app' callable instead of 'application'
callable = app

; tell uWSGI to rewrite PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME according to mount-points
manage-script-name = true

; bind to a socket
socket = /var/run/uwsgi.sock

现在直接把你的 webserver.proxy 指向你的实例 socket (不需要任何其他的配置)

Note: 每个应用默认会启动一个新的 python 解释器(这意味着每个应用的名字空间是相互隔离的)。 如果你希望所有的应用都运行同一个 python 虚拟机上的话,使用 –single-interpreter 选项。

Another note: 你可能已经看到 “modifier1 30” 这个明显的陷阱了。它已经被弃用了,而且它相当丑陋。uWSGI 有许多的方式来重写请求的变量。

Final note: 第一个加载的应用默认为是缺省挂载应用。当没有挂载点匹配时那个应用便会起作用。

在 OSX 上使用 rbenv (也应该能在其他的平台上工作)

安装 rbenv

brew update
brew install rbenv ruby-build

(不要在 .bash_profile 中设置 magic line,因为我们不想污染系统环境并且导致 uWSGI 异常)

获取一个 uWSGI 源码包,然后编译成 ‘nolang’ 版本(即一个没有编译任何语言插件进去的版本)

wget http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-latest.tar.gz
tar zxvf uwsgi-latest.tar.gz
cd uwsgi-xxx
make nolang

现在开始安装你需要的 ruby 版本

rbenv install 1.9.3-p551
rbenv install 2.1.5

然后安装你需要的 gems(即 sinatra):

# set the current ruby env
rbenv local 1.9.3-p551
# get the path of the gem binary
rbenv which gem
# /Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p551/bin/gem
/Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p551/bin/gem install sinatra
# from the uwsgi sources directory, build the rack plugin for 1.9.3-p551, naming it rack_193_plugin.so
# the trick here is changing PATH to find the right ruby binary during the build procedure
PATH=/Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p551/bin:$PATH ./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/rack rack_193"
# set ruby 2.1.5
rbenv local 2.1.5
rbenv which gem
# /Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/gem
/Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin/gem install sinatra
PATH=/Users/roberta/.rbenv/versions/2.1.5/bin:$PATH ./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/rack rack_215"

现在切换到另外一个 ruby,只需要改变插件就可以了:

plugin = rack_193
rack = config.ru
http-socket = :9090


plugin = rack_215
rack = config.ru
http-socket = :9090


plugin = /foobar/rack_215_plugin.so
rack = config.ru
http-socket = :9090